Hilary MacIsaac

Auburn, AL

About Hilary

Pollyanna is a story about a girl who has an “unfailingly optimistic outlook” and ends up transforming a bleak town into a pleasant place to live. At Magic on Main, Hilary MacIsaac is our southern Belle Pollyanna—and is truly the electric energy that Magic on Main Travel® runs on. Hilary is proud to say she has been here since the moment Magic on Main Travel® opened its doors. Being on this adventure has been the best opportunity—especially because she gets the chance to know her clients and hear families tell her: “the magic is real.” They get to experience the magical moments when kids truly believe in the magic and see everything they have seen in the movies come to life. Or the wonderstruck feeling they have when watching the fireworks, or the parades, or the character meet-and greets. Hearing about their experiences must make Hilary feel like she’s sharing her glasses of the world. Where families can see past the realities of the world and see her perspective: a world full of magic, where you can live life to the fullest, not take life so seriously, and—most importantly—have fun! If you want someone to plan your vacation that believes in the importance of not missing the here and now (and will always put a smile on your face), ask for Hilary MacIsaac!

  • Born and raised in Auburn and graduated from Auburn University

  • Hilary and Amanda Harris (Owner) were in the same sorority

  • Worked in sports marketing at the Auburn Athletic Department, then worked for a travel agency and specialized in group travel (sports, cheer, high school dance, and band) before working at Magic on Main Travel®

Specialty Areas

All Disney and Universal Destinations, Major Cruise Lines, River Cruises, All Inclusive Resorts, Alaska, Honeymoons, Couples Trips, Family Trips, Multi-generational Travel, Military Travel, Group and Events Travel

Hilary’s Photos