Beth Nunley

Brandon, MS

About Beth

In May of 2022, after raising twin toddlers during the epidemic and surviving as a professional in the medical field and travel advisor world, Beth Nunley and her family escaped to Walt Disney World. All those days of scrubbing and sanitizing, all those days with fear of the unknown, all those days where Disney itself was shut down and character meet and greets were gone, those feelings were replaced with pure joy as they all ran into the warm embrace of Mickey Mouse for the first time as a family—and the first time ever for the twins. Happiness, such as moments like this, is what Disney means to Beth. While the world may create distractions, she believes in the importance of focusing on those immediate moments. Whether that’s watching your kid learn how to swim for the first time (her son accomplished that on the same trip they hugged Mickey) or enjoying a dining experience, Beth Nunley hopes to give families the opportunity to be present and cherish those moments!

  • Has worked as a Registered Nurse in cardiology since she was 22

  • Never used a travel advisor before becoming one, but feels she missed out on having that as an asset and for planning

  • She is the middle child (has and older and younger sister)

Specialty Areas

Disney with Littles, Universal and Disney Cruises

Beth’s Photos