Jennifer Witherspoon

Lincolnton, NC

About Jennifer

There will always be those who ask, “Why do you take your little ones to Disney when they won’t even remember it?” But if you hear those words and suddenly doubt why you’re going, Jennifer Witherspoon wants you to block out all those nagging, negative thoughts and repeat after her: “Don’t Listen to them.” She, too, initially wrestled with those same thoughts, but is so glad she never listened. When Jennifer took her (then) four-year-old son to Walt Disney World, he was the biggest Mickey, Pooh, and Toy Story fan. As he encountered and gave his favorite characters the biggest hugs, his overwhelming joy will forever hold a place in her memory. If Jennifer had waited until he was older, she would have missed those memories—those small snippets of time—when he lit up as he saw those characters for the first time. The best part is, each time Jennifer takes her kids to Disney, they grow up a little more and are interested in other things; so there are always more memories to be made. The kids may not remember those memories, but those trips will be ones you will never forget and will always be able to share stories, videos, and photographs. Take Jennifer Witherspoon’s advice: a trip to Disney is perfect for your family at any age!

  • Has a paralegal degree from Central Piedmont Community College

  • Had a Cinderella-themed wedding and Disney honeymoon

  • One of her favorite trips was when her family took a road trip across the US to the Grand Canyon for Christmas—and visited 14 states!

  • Has a new charcoal Labrador puppy named Hershey

Specialty Areas

Disney, Universal, Royal Caribbean

Jennifer’s Photos